Our Food Philosophy

We embrace the holistic purpose and recognize the power of food beyond the nutrients it provides. We create menus that meet the diverse needs of your students while providing the nutrition to fuel them through their studies.


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From Scratch Cooking

We start with food in its purest most natural form using locally and regionally sourced ingredients. We cook from scratch to prepare customized menus that are flavourful, tasty and filled with natural goodness to support students to reach their fullest potential.

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Rooted in Community

Our teams engage and support communities by working with local vendors and farmers to bring their products to our dining halls. Working with local vendors and farmers in communities across Canada supports our Body.Community.Planet commitment to providing food that nourishes the body, strengthens the community, and respects the planet.

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Mind Body Soul

Mind Body Soul is our program that promotes and encourages healthy eating. It is how we guide each student’s food journey, with the intended mission of empowering them to learn, collaborate, and gather around healthy and sustainable food.


Allergen Awareness

We use Allergy Alert signage in serving areas to support students with making informed decisions about their meals.
Our managers are equiped with allergen training, helping our teams to understand the importance of special procedures required for
handling food when supporting students with food allergies.

Through training and nutritional guidance, we successfully and
safely feed thousands of students with specific dietary needs and preferences each year. Our guiding principle and vision is to create recipes that are as safe and healthy.

Chartwells Canada acknowledges that Compass Group Canada’s main office building is located on traditional, unceded and unsurrendered territories of the Haudenosaunee, Anishinaabe, Attiwonderonk and Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation peoples. Our coast-to-coast work expands across Turtle Island. We are committed to working in collaboration with and in honour of our Indigenous populations towards learning, unlearning, empowering, and shaping a better future for every Canadian in the spirit of Reconciliation.